![]() Many spiritual people talk a lot about Awakening, achieving Enlightenment, and Ascending. Of course, I love these discussions and participant in them when I can. However, I am experiencing a growing awareness that keeps tugging at my heart, and it is this: Once you have Awakened what will you do? What is the reason for your need to Awaken? What do you believe it means to Awaken? Is it a desire to be more than those around you? Is your desire to Awaken more of a plan of your ego than a plan of your soul? Do you know that once you Awaken your ego will not be central to your existence? So any thoughts of world domination are pretty much dashed! ;) What does Awakening mean to you? I don’t know. SMH I get very frustrated when I hear the over use of some “spiritual” terminology. Because I wonder what would you do when you are Awake. What does Awakening look like to you? Describe it please. What Awakening means to me is not only will I have a constant awareness of the realities I wish to live I will also be aware of the constant Love around me. I will swim in a pool of unadulterated LOVE and COMPASSION. Those around me will know their own power of LOVE and become more COMPASSIONATE of all life on earth and beyond. Awakening brings with it a responsibility for all sentient beings around us. It means we must be responsible for the Awakening of our friends and family. It of course doesn’t mean that you have a right to stand on your spiritual soapbox and scream some dogmatic rhetoric. People need to Awaken in their on time, and that time is determined by their contract with Divine Source. No one has to follow your plan or your way of Awakening but your Awakening does mean that you are charged with helping those in need. Every moment that lacks love depletes us. My heart is aching as I write this because the selfish nature of humankind can be very overwhelming. The current thinking of mass consciousness is painful. Do you realize that everything you do affects another individual? Every moment that lacks LOVE is a vibration that depletes and holds us all in a sleeping state. Yet every moment of LOVE nurtures and heals; expands and enlightens those around us. LOVE AND COMPASSION is so necessary to our spiritual growth and our AWAKENING. Entrain to a higher vibration with LOVE. Oy! I could go on, and I will in future posts. That’s what blogs are for I guess. But I will leave you now with this: In the healing arts it is known that we entrain to the higher vibration. The person receiving the healing will entrain to the higher vibration that the healer is holding for them. Holding the vibration of LOVE and COMPASSION is the highest vibration I know. Fill your days as much as you can with loving thoughts. When a negative thought comes to mind cancel it out by thinking at least three positive thoughts about that particular situation. This will bring you back to the higher vibration. Meditate because the feeling of Bliss meditation brings is your connection to Divine Source and a memory of who you are, and you are LOVE personified. So even when you are not meditating you will know and be able to recall the feeling of Bliss. So I ask you, what will you do when you fully Awaken? I would love to know. Loving you! Emily Goddess (Spiritual Activist) Comments are closed.
AuthorEmily Elyshevitz, CHC, RM, RT writes about her experiences with diet, exercise, and healthy living. Emily also writes about Career & Life Coaching, Healing, Enlightenment, Inspiration, Motivation encouraging your quest for a happy life in mind, body and spirit. ArchivesCategories
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