![]() What have you learned today? I think we learn something new everyday, but we don’t really give it much thought. We learn subtle life lessons that are designed to expand and help us evolve. When you think about your day do you think about what you’ve learned or what experience has affected you for the better? Don't Focus on the Negative I’ll bet you concentrate more on what is negatively impacting you. Who pissed you off? Who dealt with you unfairly? Who made you uncomfortable in someway? What you should have, would have, could have done. These are the things our brains like to obsess over. We see suffering first because we are programed in fight or flight response. That is how our brains have operated since the beginning of human existence. Accentuate the PosItive A healthier use of your brain power might be to contemplate the benefits of every encounter and what good you can see from it. In every situation there is a Yin and Yang, a negative and positive, a dark and light. Even the things that seem darkest have a component of light. This is God’s gift of LOVE to you. Developing the ability to recognize the light, beauty, gift, and goodness of a seemly dark experience will re-train your neural pathways. You will be healthier and happier. You’ll then be able to quickly list all your great learning experiences when you ask yourself "what did I learn today?", and how will lesson make me a better person for myself, my family, and for the Universe. Love, Emily Goddess xo Comments are closed.
AuthorEmily Elyshevitz, CHC, RM, RT writes about her experiences with diet, exercise, and healthy living. Emily also writes about Career & Life Coaching, Healing, Enlightenment, Inspiration, Motivation encouraging your quest for a happy life in mind, body and spirit. ArchivesCategories
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