![]() Just a few days ago, I got the call that my brother had passed away. David was my big little brother. He stood 6'4'' tall. David had a huge personality that allowed him to make friends easily. And he was very handsome. I miss him. However, the last few years with him were difficult. I was not happy when he called me, and I avoided communication with him as much as possible because it was would exacerbate my PTSD developed growing up with my family. Whatever was troubling him in his new life in Texas was taken out on us, his family in NYC. His sisters and his mother. That is just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the challenging side of my brother. Nonetheless, I miss him, and I mourn his passing. On my altar, I gave him food for nourishment and candles to light his way. And I prayed. I prayed to God for his protection and his healing. I prayed to our ancestors to help guide him and to help him understand his new reality. Despite the hard times, nothing will take away the love I have for my little brother. We will always be connected. In my facebook post honoring him I wrote: I believe, there is a thing, a connection that you have to your siblings that is unbreakable. It is a string of love that connects you forever. It doesn't weaken with time or distance or disagreement. It is kind of like the ethereal Silver Cord only it connects siblings to each other. I am certain that when one sibling leaves the earth plane, the ones left behind feel that cord fraying and that fraying causes a pain that tears at the heart and soul. The siblings left, feel a void, incredible sadness, and confusion at the loss of this connection. Because that cord stretches to no limit, it gives perspective and allows for healing - if you can, if you permit. I have a high capacity for forgiveness. So perspective and peace have allowed me to enjoy all the beautiful, loving, and fun memories of my brother.
I hope he learned the lessons he needed to learn during his last incarnation. I hope he is at peace. I hope he knows I love him. Rest In Peace David. xoxo Comments are closed.
AuthorEmily Elyshevitz, CHC, RM, RT writes about her experiences with diet, exercise, and healthy living. Emily also writes about Career & Life Coaching, Healing, Enlightenment, Inspiration, Motivation encouraging your quest for a happy life in mind, body and spirit. ArchivesCategories
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