![]() Reiki pronounced Ray-Ki is composed of two Japanese words, Rei meaning Higher Power and Ki meaning Life Force Energy. Reiki uses the Universal Life Force Energies to produce positive healing results. According to John Hopkins Medical center: “Reiki is a very specific form of energy healing, in which hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body, as in “laying on of hands.” Reiki can also be done “long-distance”. In the last 20 years Reiki has grown in popularity. People all over the world are beginning to understand the many ways this powerful non-invasive healing modality can enhance their lives. Whether it is Dr. Mehmet Oz or Dr. Andrew Weil or the lady next door who uses Reiki on her pets, Reiki is firmly establishing itself in the modern culture as a viable healing practice. Origins of Reiki It is said that all the healing energies and frequencies have been on or around our planet from the beginning of time, but we first became aware of Reiki through the Dr. Mikao Usui during the 1920s. Mikao Usui received the vision of the Reiki symbols and their energy during his Buddhist training that consisted of 21 days of fasting and meditation on Mount Kurama-yam in Japan. It was during the earthquake of 1923 in Japan that Dr. Usui saw a tremendous need for Reiki healing in the people suffering around him. As he began to treat and heal people with the Reiki energies awareness and popularity of his healing method grew. Knowing that he alone could not treat the many suffering he began to share his knowledge by teaching a small group of people including Dr. Chujiro Hayashi. Dr. Hayashi met Mrs. Hawayo Takata who had been suffering from several life threatening illnesses. Mrs. Takata was so amazed by the successful healing results of her Reiki sessions that she petitioned Dr. Hayashi to teach her Reiki. Legend has it that during one her Reiki sessions Mrs. Takata became suspicious of the doctors treating her. Believing they were secretly holding an apparatus that produced this healing warmth she grabbed the doctor’s hand only to find nothing but the doctors hand warmed by the un-seeable Reiki energies. In 1937 Mrs. Takata brought Reiki to the shores of the US through Hawaii. In 1938, she became the first female Reiki Master and 13th initiate of Dr. Hayashi. Mrs. Takata taught Reiki until her death in the 1980. Reiki and Spirituality Reiki is not a religion nor does it promote any kind of religious dogma. The benefits of Reiki can be experienced by anyone regardless of whether or not they devoutly practice any religion. The Reiki is considered a spiritual modality one reason is because it can have a profound effect on one's spirit and emotional body. Reiki energy is experienced as a warm radiant glow throughout the client’s body. It produces a very calming effect and one often feels as though they are being held in a soft loving embrace. The healing results are individual. Each session is different as Reiki will addresses the spoken and unspoken needs of that particular client Reiki Philosophy As the Hippocratic Oath is practiced by Physicians, The Five Principles of Reiki are remembered and practiced by Reiki Practitioners all over the world. THE FIVE REIKI PRINCIPLE Just for today, I will not be angry. Just for today, I will not worry. Just for today, I will be grateful. Just for today, I will do my work honestly. Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing. What to expect during a Reiki Session
Reiki is done on a massage table. The client is fully clothed and lies on her back. In Reiki there are specific hands positions used by every Reiki Practitioner. Reiki is first applied to the front of the body. You may feel the Reiki Practitioner’s hands as being very warm. When I’m working with clients I often receive messages or see pictures and I relay those to the client. I find these images/symbols are very helpful in the healing of emotional concerns that are often at the root cause of psychical ailment. At the end of the session you may feel dizzy or your mouth may feel very dry bring bottled water with you or ask for a glass of water. At this time I share my impressions with my client and recommendations to enhance the healing process. After your session Many of the effects you will experience right away. You will see more change in three days and even more as the energies integrate into your subtle energy body. The healings can be profound while the energies are beautifully subtle. Schedule an appointment today! Love always, Emily Goddess xo
AuthorEmily Elyshevitz, CHC, RM, RT writes about her experiences with diet, exercise, and healthy living. Emily also writes about Career & Life Coaching, Healing, Enlightenment, Inspiration, Motivation encouraging your quest for a happy life in mind, body and spirit. ArchivesCategories
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