![]() Just a few days ago, I got the call that my brother had passed away. David was my big little brother. He stood 6'4'' tall. David had a huge personality that allowed him to make friends easily. And he was very handsome. I miss him. However, the last few years with him were difficult. I was not happy when he called me, and I avoided communication with him as much as possible because it was would exacerbate my PTSD developed growing up with my family. Whatever was troubling him in his new life in Texas was taken out on us, his family in NYC. His sisters and his mother. That is just the tip of the iceberg when it came to the challenging side of my brother. Nonetheless, I miss him, and I mourn his passing. On my altar, I gave him food for nourishment and candles to light his way. And I prayed. I prayed to God for his protection and his healing. I prayed to our ancestors to help guide him and to help him understand his new reality. Despite the hard times, nothing will take away the love I have for my little brother. We will always be connected. In my facebook post honoring him I wrote: I believe, there is a thing, a connection that you have to your siblings that is unbreakable. It is a string of love that connects you forever. It doesn't weaken with time or distance or disagreement. It is kind of like the ethereal Silver Cord only it connects siblings to each other. I am certain that when one sibling leaves the earth plane, the ones left behind feel that cord fraying and that fraying causes a pain that tears at the heart and soul. The siblings left, feel a void, incredible sadness, and confusion at the loss of this connection. Because that cord stretches to no limit, it gives perspective and allows for healing - if you can, if you permit. I have a high capacity for forgiveness. So perspective and peace have allowed me to enjoy all the beautiful, loving, and fun memories of my brother.
I hope he learned the lessons he needed to learn during his last incarnation. I hope he is at peace. I hope he knows I love him. Rest In Peace David. xoxo ![]() So how did we get ourselves into this mess anyway? Is it all because of COVID-19, dark political agendas, bats? Or could our mess be the accumulation of unresolved negative thoughts, beliefs, negative Karma that goes back lifetimes and is embedded in your ancestral DNA? From a spiritual perspective, there is no telling how the pandemic came to be. As a Human Being, I am interested in finding out why the world seems to be going to Hell in a handbasket. As a Spiritualist, I choose the path of healing. I know that when I am experiencing turmoil, I look for solutions in my prayer arsenal. I have many prayers and mantras at the ready. I've taken the time to memorize elaborate prayers to embody them not only for my benefit but for the benefit and healing of my fellow Humans in this earth experience. The Ho'oponopono prayer is a clearing method and spiritual tool I have used with success for many years. Dr. Hew Len I came upon the story of Dr. Hew Len, a psychologist from Hawaii who, while working at a prison for the mentally insane, used the prayer to bring about positive change to the facility and its staff and inmates. Dr. Len would silently recite this mantra as he looked at the inmates' files and went through his daily routine. After a while, things began to change. Violence decreased, the staff turn-over stopped, the behavior of the inmates improved. There was an improvement in the overall environment. Dr. Len attributes this not to himself, but to the cleansing power of Ho'oponopono. One Way it Helped Me Ho'oponopono has helped me clear a lot of negativity over the years. Recently I used Ho'oponopono to reconcile a situation with a family member. I couldn't figure out why I was having this problem, but I did know that I was bringing this negativity to myself for some weird reason. After a while of reciting the prayer, I began to realize my role in the problem. The realization allowed me to make changes in my approach - healing the problem. And that is the beauty of Ho'oponopono. You don't have to know what is wrong or even how you got there. You just say this little four-line mantra over and over again to yourself, and the energy connects you with the Divine to clear and cleanse. I'm Sorry Please Forgive me Thank you I Love You Learn more: tinyurl.com/ya35pfy5 Emily xo ![]() Many spiritual people talk a lot about Awakening, achieving Enlightenment, and Ascending. Of course, I love these discussions and participant in them when I can. However, I am experiencing a growing awareness that keeps tugging at my heart, and it is this: Once you have Awakened what will you do? What is the reason for your need to Awaken? What do you believe it means to Awaken? Is it a desire to be more than those around you? Is your desire to Awaken more of a plan of your ego than a plan of your soul? Do you know that once you Awaken your ego will not be central to your existence? So any thoughts of world domination are pretty much dashed! ;) What does Awakening mean to you? I don’t know. SMH I get very frustrated when I hear the over use of some “spiritual” terminology. Because I wonder what would you do when you are Awake. What does Awakening look like to you? Describe it please. What Awakening means to me is not only will I have a constant awareness of the realities I wish to live I will also be aware of the constant Love around me. I will swim in a pool of unadulterated LOVE and COMPASSION. Those around me will know their own power of LOVE and become more COMPASSIONATE of all life on earth and beyond. Awakening brings with it a responsibility for all sentient beings around us. It means we must be responsible for the Awakening of our friends and family. It of course doesn’t mean that you have a right to stand on your spiritual soapbox and scream some dogmatic rhetoric. People need to Awaken in their on time, and that time is determined by their contract with Divine Source. No one has to follow your plan or your way of Awakening but your Awakening does mean that you are charged with helping those in need. Every moment that lacks love depletes us. My heart is aching as I write this because the selfish nature of humankind can be very overwhelming. The current thinking of mass consciousness is painful. Do you realize that everything you do affects another individual? Every moment that lacks LOVE is a vibration that depletes and holds us all in a sleeping state. Yet every moment of LOVE nurtures and heals; expands and enlightens those around us. LOVE AND COMPASSION is so necessary to our spiritual growth and our AWAKENING. Entrain to a higher vibration with LOVE. Oy! I could go on, and I will in future posts. That’s what blogs are for I guess. But I will leave you now with this: In the healing arts it is known that we entrain to the higher vibration. The person receiving the healing will entrain to the higher vibration that the healer is holding for them. Holding the vibration of LOVE and COMPASSION is the highest vibration I know. Fill your days as much as you can with loving thoughts. When a negative thought comes to mind cancel it out by thinking at least three positive thoughts about that particular situation. This will bring you back to the higher vibration. Meditate because the feeling of Bliss meditation brings is your connection to Divine Source and a memory of who you are, and you are LOVE personified. So even when you are not meditating you will know and be able to recall the feeling of Bliss. So I ask you, what will you do when you fully Awaken? I would love to know. Loving you! Emily Goddess (Spiritual Activist) Our spirit guides speak to us in the silence. They whisper or "speak" to us in images so gentle. They know we need guidance and protection and most of all their love and devotion. We want answers fast and definite. We are very busy forcing the answers because we are very distracted by the world around us. In my experience, our guides deliver in the time that is best for us. They know and they get their marching orders from a very reliable and exalted source. Oh you can not hear them? You will once you devote some time to listening. The meditation video below will help you with the silencing of your mind necessary to hear the divine voices of your guides. Love, Emily xo ![]() What have you learned today? I think we learn something new everyday, but we don’t really give it much thought. We learn subtle life lessons that are designed to expand and help us evolve. When you think about your day do you think about what you’ve learned or what experience has affected you for the better? Don't Focus on the Negative I’ll bet you concentrate more on what is negatively impacting you. Who pissed you off? Who dealt with you unfairly? Who made you uncomfortable in someway? What you should have, would have, could have done. These are the things our brains like to obsess over. We see suffering first because we are programed in fight or flight response. That is how our brains have operated since the beginning of human existence. Accentuate the PosItive A healthier use of your brain power might be to contemplate the benefits of every encounter and what good you can see from it. In every situation there is a Yin and Yang, a negative and positive, a dark and light. Even the things that seem darkest have a component of light. This is God’s gift of LOVE to you. Developing the ability to recognize the light, beauty, gift, and goodness of a seemly dark experience will re-train your neural pathways. You will be healthier and happier. You’ll then be able to quickly list all your great learning experiences when you ask yourself "what did I learn today?", and how will lesson make me a better person for myself, my family, and for the Universe. Love, Emily Goddess xo ![]() Are You Too Cool for Reiki? Are you too cool for energy medicine? I ask because I know many people think the field of energy healing with its "metaphysical-ness" is so off the beaten conventional, allopathic, traditional medical path. Surely, enlisting the services of a Reiki Master or Intuitive Healer would have all your friends passing you the contact information of their well-heeled therapists. The fact is more and more people are beginning to see the benefits of working with healers like me who work with you from intuitive prospective. We allow you to give voice to what you know intuitively about your environment and your health. Do you realize that by being too cool or too careful or conservative may just be an example of fear of looking silly to your friends? Okay, I get it. You just really need to see the rest of the world give Reiki or energy healing the thumbs up before you you’ll try it. But while you are waiting for social acceptance you may be delaying healing, wellness, and happiness. Did you realize that vitamins and herbs are in the same realm as energy medicine. Sure there is a lot of measurable physical evidence proving the efficacy of most vitamins and herbs however, we are still not sure about herbs or homeopathy. But they very often work very well. How about acupuncture? I met a woman whose mother went to China to study acupuncture in the 70's. The woman who is an adult remembered that 40 years ago her mother was considered very odd and misguided…to put it mildly… by well meaning friends and family. Conventional thinking held that her mother, who was not Chinese, should work towards a traditional medical career if she wanted to be a doctor. Well, here we are 40 years later and acupuncture is a popular healing practice covered by medical insurance and hailed as a wonderful preventative healing practice. So, what about Reiki and The Reconnection and all the other methods in the same family? Well, they are all preventative. Science is proving the existence of the Unified Field and this field is proof that we are all connected energetically and this connection and our intention to heal ourselves and others is one of the reasons Reiki and all forms of energy medicine work. Science is Beginning Understand Energy Healing Read renowned science researcher Lynne McTaggart’s books The Field, The Intention Experiment and What Doctors Don’t Tell You. According to McTaggart: “What they [respected scientists] have discovered is nothing less than astonishing. At our most elemental, we are not a chemical reaction, but an energetic charge. Human beings and all living things are a coalescence of energy in a field of energy connected to every other thing in the world. This pulsating energy field is the central engine of our being and our consciousness, the alpha and omega of our existence.” To use energy to heal energy and a reach a state of homeostasis just makes sense to me. To use a system of holistic health that does no harm and is non-invasive seems like a smart idea to me. Am I suggesting that you fore go traditional medical care all together? Absolutely not! But why not consider it as a complementary approach, or better yet a preventive approach to maintaining health. Reiki, Energy healing, and Intuitive healing will support your immune system and awaken your own natural healing abilities. It is worth a try. Contact me. I offer a 15-minute free consultation. I’ll answer your questions about energy healing or Reiki, or The Reconnection, or any of the other energy healing modalities for you. Or are you just too cool? :) Love and Peace, Emily xo Schedule an appointment today. |
AuthorEmily Elyshevitz, CHC, RM, RT writes about her experiences with diet, exercise, and healthy living. Emily also writes about Career & Life Coaching, Healing, Enlightenment, Inspiration, Motivation encouraging your quest for a happy life in mind, body and spirit. ArchivesCategories
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