![]() I always admired the lean lithe bodies of vegetarians, with their lack of body fat, and their ability to live off a lettuce leaf and call it a meal. But I never understood how they could go with out…food! I tried many times but I was always called back to the dark side by a juicy burger with onions. Almost Passed Out When I became a student at the Institute of Integrated Nutrition I had the opportunity to study many different diets like macrobiotic, vegetarian, vegan, raw, to name a few. I experimented with all of them to learn first hand and find a clean eating diet that would provide the health and energy necessary to fuel my busy life. I almost passed out in class after my first vegetarian meal. I hadn’t eaten enough protein apparently. With macrobiotics, much to my dismay, I gained 25 pounds! I went too heavy on the grains apparently. With the vegan diet…well that ended the minute a concerned co-worker told me I look gray and unhealthy. To be honest, I don’t think I want to live in a world without butter. :) With the raw diet I was uncomfortable and constipated. Apparently I didn’t drink enough water and I forgot to eat fruit with those bushels of Kale! I tried it all! Not to mention the commercially popular diets like The South Beach Diet, Doctor Perricone's diet, The Atkin’s Diet, juicing and the master cleanse just to name a few. Meat Free Mondays But my diet changed considerably when I started working with the healing energies on a regular basis. The healing energies are of a very high vibration and they raise the vibration of the client and myself. Eating meat and processed foods became very undesirable for my personal energy system. These days I’m a vegetarian and I’m very happy with it. If I’m in a pinch and feeling like my blood sugar is plummeting then I’ll add a tiny piece of fish. I’m not a fan of fainting. But that rarely happens now. I’ve even started to support Meat Free Mondays. Not just because it was started by Linda McCartney and Paul and the kids are keeping her legacy going, but because I agree with the philosophy. One day without meat will save a tree, a cow, or a chicken, and for goodness sake, rests your colon. It can make the air cleaner and I believe we become more peaceful because we are not ingesting the fear and sadness animals feel before they are being killed for food. (I’m so serious!) If You are a Carnivore then Mazel! Look, don’t get me wrong. If you are a carnivore then mazel! Do you! But I do believe in the energetics of food, and I believe that there are foods that have low vibration and will pull down your vibration, in mind, body, and spirit to match the lower vibration. With these low vibrational foods you may experience depression, fatigue, anger, sadness and a host of other emotional, physical and spiritual maladies. Seriously, think about it. Do you feel heavy after a salad of leafy greens or do you feel heavy after a steak? See that is a vibration you are experiencing. Tired = Low Vibration. Energetic = High Vibration. I’m not trying to convert anyone. I’m simply stating that for now I am happy with my choice of high vibrational foods. I’m enjoying my vegetarian diet. This dietary choice is helping me find ways to not only help myself but to also help Mother Earth heal. Who can argue with that? And every new discovery makes me a happier person. I'll keep you posted on my progress. I'll be visiting the doctor soon for a full physical. I want to check vitamin levels etc. For now it's vegetarianism and I’m feeling light and happy! :) Love, Emily Goddess xo
AuthorEmily Elyshevitz, CHC, RM, RT writes about her experiences with diet, exercise, and healthy living. ArchivesCategoriesIMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: The information on this site is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from our sessions, the services provided by teachers, speakers and guests. Please consult a medical professional if you are experiencing illness, depression, anxiety, mood swings or any concerns whatsoever.