Tejasa Wellness brings forth that vibrant, radiant energy to produce health and wellness in a completely non-invasive way. Energy modalities are safe and effective ways to manage pain, maintain health in mind, body and spirit, and very often awaken one to their life's purpose. Energy modalities such as Reiki and The Reconnection are now, not only used by private practitioners but are also, used in hospitals across the United States.
Reiki and other Energy Healing modalities can help:
1. Eases Anxiety
2. Alleviates Insomnia
3. Eases chronic pain ie: arthritis, knee, and hip replacement etc.
4. Eases the nausea of chemo-therapy and the side effects of medication
5. Produces clarity in thought allowing one to focus. Improves decision making skills
6. Improves immune system
7. Produces deep relaxation
8. Boasts one own ability to heal physically
9. Removes energy blockages
10. Helps with physical detoxification
11. Reduces blood pressure
12 Aids in overcoming emotional issues due to heartache, grief, and loss.
13 Helps in weight loss by easing cravings
14 Slows the aging process brings vitality and a feeling of youthfulness
...and this is just the tip of the iceberg!
For the Origins of Reiki click here
Reiki and Reconnective Healing is excellent for children, animals, and our senior citizens.
The physical benefits are wonderful, but what Energy Healing can also do for one's personal development is amazing. Before an ailment or negative experience manifests physically it shows up in the energy system in and around us. Reiki, Reconnective Healing, Crystal Healing, and Intuitive readings can give one the clarity, the remarkable "Aha" moment that awakens you and moves you toward problem solving, healing, and living your greatest life.
Reiki and other Energy Healing modalities can help:
1. Eases Anxiety
2. Alleviates Insomnia
3. Eases chronic pain ie: arthritis, knee, and hip replacement etc.
4. Eases the nausea of chemo-therapy and the side effects of medication
5. Produces clarity in thought allowing one to focus. Improves decision making skills
6. Improves immune system
7. Produces deep relaxation
8. Boasts one own ability to heal physically
9. Removes energy blockages
10. Helps with physical detoxification
11. Reduces blood pressure
12 Aids in overcoming emotional issues due to heartache, grief, and loss.
13 Helps in weight loss by easing cravings
14 Slows the aging process brings vitality and a feeling of youthfulness
...and this is just the tip of the iceberg!
For the Origins of Reiki click here
Reiki and Reconnective Healing is excellent for children, animals, and our senior citizens.
The physical benefits are wonderful, but what Energy Healing can also do for one's personal development is amazing. Before an ailment or negative experience manifests physically it shows up in the energy system in and around us. Reiki, Reconnective Healing, Crystal Healing, and Intuitive readings can give one the clarity, the remarkable "Aha" moment that awakens you and moves you toward problem solving, healing, and living your greatest life.
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