Hello Beautiful Souls! Happy Fourth of July to all! Today's blog post will be a short one. My husband I and celebrate the 4th of July with a group of friends we met 20 years ago. It was a great time. Lots of food and drink. Something for everyone. Our hosts were amazing. At night the neighborhood sky was lit with brilliant and exciting fireworks. The music played the conversations flowed. From time to time I reflected on how fortunate I was to have these people in my life. What a great group of people. What is particularly significant is I was able to sit with my friends and talk about some trails I was experiencing. We all shared our stories. I was touched by the fact I had a circle of friends who understood what I was going through because they were going through almost similar issues. Friendship is essential to me. Not superficial friendship but deep, long-lasting friendships that are encouraging, supportive and loving. I know I have many blessing and tonight reminded me that I have more than I realized. May you have the blessing of good friends. Sometimes it only takes accepting an invitation. I'm going to rest, feed my cats, and reflect on my blessing of good friends. Best, Emily
Hello Beautiful Souls! Here are some questions I'd like you to think about because they are questions I ask myself often. 1. Are you living the life you want? 2. Have you brainwashed or allow someone to brainwash you into thinking the way you are living is healthy? 3. Do you want to make a change? 4. What would the change look like? 5. How soon could you activate the change? 6. Do you need help getting started? 7. What stops you from living your best life? 8. Is fear at the core? 9. What if you knew you had nothing to fear would you make the change? 10. Are you paralyzed by "comfortable"? I know that change is inevitable. I have learned that most changes work out for me even if I absolutely despise the idea of change. Remember what you resist persists. Sometimes change helps us move forward in life. So try to see the good in a changing situation. You'll be okay. Inbox me and let's talk about a change or improvement you'd like to make. I'd be happy to help. Love, Emily xo Hi Beautiful Souls! Very often I'm asked about work-life balance. No matter what the profession working people are always looking for better and healthier ways of living. People are juggling education, work, marriages, raising families, caring for their elderly parents. I for one can attest to the fact that there is never enough time to get things done, or we don't have the energy to get it all done. So how do we find work-life balance? Let's explore some ideas that might help us all find a little more balance in our hectic lives. 1. Define what work-life balance means to you. What does it look like to you? Write down your ideas of a perfect work-life balance. I firmly believe if you write it you will achieve. Be clear. How many hours would you work a week? How many time can you take off for vacation or staycations? 2. Shut off the work cell phone after sundown. Many of us are so conditioned to answer the notifications on our phones. Often those messages can be answered the following morning. Remember you teach people how to treat you. Explain to bosses, if you can, that you will not be available on the phone after 6 or 7 pm and that you will answer any emails first thing in the morning. 3. Consider the areas of your life where you may overextend yourself and ask for help. Seems like such an easy solution but the truth is busy people rarely like to ask for assistance. Remember asking for help doesn't mean you can't handle the job. I think it shows that you are fully aware of what is required to get a job done correctly. 4. Schedule breaks. These breaks can come in the form of lunch away from your desk, computer, or cell phone. 5. Take a mental health day. If you are lucky enough to have vacation days, personal days, and sick days at your job then take one. In many cases, you will lose the time if you don't. So don't be a martyr. Take a day or two away from the office to rest and regroup. 6. Learn how to say "no." You do not have to take on every responsibility thrown your way. Taking on more than you can chew will only hurt you in the long run. You don't have to be a superhero. 7. Flex time. Some companies offer flex time, 4-day work weeks, or working from home. Finding time off is an excellent way to get time to relax and regroup. 8. Take care of yourself. Eat clean and stay away from processed foods. Get enough sleep. Sleep helps you recharge. Exercise. Move your body. Exercise can boost endorphins relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. 9. Meditate! Meditation helps you get clear. It enables you to prioritize and may help you see your situation from another perspective. Now go get some rest! Love, Emily Hello Beautiful Souls! Today my husband and I have had the day to ourselves after a Saturday with family obligations, some fun, some not. Tomorrow promises to be a fun day as I welcome 12 new creative students to the corporate office (my day gig). I'm excited about meeting these young aspiring advertising professionals. They usually come in all bright-eyed and eager, and their enthusiasm will make me forget (temporarily) the office politics and nonsense I run into every now and then. Despite my excitement at meeting these new students, I am feeling a bit nervous. Yes, it is beginning to set-in, The Sunday Night Blues! You know when you start to think about everything you have to do on Monday and all the other mishegoss the week will hold for you. Ugh! What to do about it? Here are some suggestions. Meditation can help. There she goes again, Meditation. Well, today during my meditation thoughts of things that bothered or concerned me kept coming up insisting I take notice. In TM (Transcendental Meditation) you are to notice them and then let them go by reintroducing your mantra. Every time you do this you delve deeper into your subconscious mind. It is truly like scrubbing the problems away...or at least getting some of the goop off. In so doing the situation or problem, is easier to deal with and if you're really lucky, you can resolve your issues. But I digress. A spot of tea anyone? Chamomile Tea Try drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. When I've tried chamomile tea to induce sleep I've made a very strong large cup of tea. This is not scientific by any means so do your research. I use four tea bags in a 10 oz cup of hot water. I steep it for a long time until it's dark then I drink it about 15 minutes before bedtime. This trick helps me once or twice a week, but if I use it more often my body gets accustomed to it, and it won't work for me. Hops tea Hops another tea you can drink to help you sleep. Hops is calming, relaxing, has anti-aging properties, and is good for cholesterol. And yes, it is the same stuff that is used in beer. Valerian root tea Valerian root tea may also help you with insomnia. Valerian root can reduce stress, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, decrease menopausal symptoms, and improve heart rate. Valerian root gives me weird dreams, but it may work for you. :) Catnip tea That's right! The stuff that makes your kitties frisky can calm your insomnia. It can also, relieve stress, ease menstrual pain, and can give you beautiful hair or at least clear up your dandruff. Lavender tea. Who knew? Lavender tea can be used to reduce anxiety, soothe nerves, and can improve sleep quality. So brew up a cup and put some lavender oil in the diffuser and get your zzz's. I've offered you a short list of teas that may help you find relief from Sunday Night Blues. Do your own research. Everything ain't for everybody, but I hope to steer you in a helpful direction. If you try any of the teas let me know how they worked. And remember meditation is always helpful. Love and lullabies Emily xo Hi Beautiful Souls! Well, since I decided to blog again, I thought I might as well start by explaining why I chose to do a 40-Day Meditation Challenge. The truth of it is I had fallen off my daily meditation schedule, and it had been tough getting back in the groove. So, I decide to play a little game with myself. I also needed to make a public declaration to assure accountability. So my 40-day meditation challenge was born. It's only been two days, but on Day One I started to feel that beautiful feeling of bliss wash over me. Today, Day two, brought more of the blissful feeling I associate with my Transcendental Meditation practice. But also on Day two, I get the feeling that the benefits of some of the spiritual practices I've been doing are beginning to manifest and I am getting clear. I know that for me to feel balanced, I must spend some time taking care of myself. The most significant way for me to achieve this balance of mind, body, and spirit is to start by meditating because EVERYTHING begins in the mind. Meditation is the singularly most powerful thing you can do to improve your life. Join me in the challenge and let me know how you're doing. I'll write more about Transcendental Meditation in future posts. For now, just find a quiet place, close your eyes, and breathe... Love, Emily Hey Everybody!
I'm back! I've returned stronger than ever with even more to offer. In order to stay on track with my blog and other practices, I will give myself some challenges. These challenges are designed to make Tejasa Wellness a place where you can find inspiration, motivation, information about healing and wellness. Challenge How does the 40-day blogging challenge sound to you? Look, I've got some things to say, some stories to tell you. I will start by writing one blog post each day for 40 days starting tomorrow, June 30th. Here's another challenge Because I've fallen off my consistent meditation practice, I am challenging myself to meditate every day for 40 days straight. Check out my Facebook page Tejasa Wellness to see the daily countdown. As I embark on these challenges, I would love to hear about something you've pledged to do for yourself. Share your goals and accomplishments with me and the Tejasa Wellness community on Facebook. Love always, Emily Candace xo It’s a new year and most of us have new goals. What do you want to achieve this year? 2016 is the year of the Red Monkey and according to the Chinese Horoscope calendar Monkey is comprised of the elements Metal that represents gold, and Water representing wisdom and danger. Of course, your personal astrological sign impacts how and to what degree these elements can influence your life. Regarding Career & Life coaching, let’s talk about gold, wisdom, and danger. In terms of career, I interpret gold to be your financial life. In question here is your money, how you earn your money, how you save money, the financial aspects of your career, and your ability to allow abundance into your life. Wisdom represents your current level of knowledge regarding your financial health, and what will happen in your financial life in the coming year. As for danger, I interpret this as the obstacles that can present a hindrance to your financial success. So, ask yourself these questions:
Answering these questions will set you on the road to making vast improvements in your financial life. Maybe you need to take a course, engage a financial advisor, or work with a Career Coach. Maybe you need to new job. Maybe you need help finding a job. In terms of your personal Life, I interpret gold to be abundance in spirit, in personal relationships, in emotional and physical health, and in finding work/life balance. This concerns your romantic life, your family life, and most important – your inner life! Ask yourself these questions:
As with the questions about career, these questions can help bring the clarity you need to a balanced and happier life. Maybe you need a yoga class, or someone who can coach you on mediation, or assist you in tapping into your inner wisdom. The New Year brings new experiences. I wish for you all the best of everything the Universe has to offer. Let’s make 2016 the best year ever!! Love, Emily |
Emily Elyshevitz
Emily Elyshevitz, CHC, RM, RT writes about her experiences with diet, exercise, and healthy living. Emily also writes about Career & Life Coaching, Healing, Enlightenment, Inspiration, Motivation encouraging your quest for a happy life in mind, body and spirit. Archives
July 2018
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